pollinator garden starter kit
A collaboration with Rainbow Gardens
pollinator garden starter kit: grown-up Experience
Sale! $55
The pollinator starter kit for grown-ups is a hands-on, step-by-step series that teaches the ins and outs of planting a successful and rewarding pollinator garden.
In partnership with Rainbow Gardens and the Texas Butterfly Ranch Monarch Habitat Initiative, we have created a 4-plant kit with supporting digital education to get you started supporting the ecosystem with a pollinator garden.
Two 1-gallon pollinator plants (one nectar and one host), ten plant cards, a digital journal, and three instructional videos.
Videos included are:
Introductions and Unboxing
Site Selection
Planting Day
What to Expect After Planting
Pre-sales are through the month of September.
Kits will be available for pickup every weekend in October at Rainbow Gardens:
8516 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, TX 78250
Kits will also be available for pick up at the Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Festival October 8th from 10am-2pm at Brackenridge Park.
What if I’m bad at taking care of plants?
Don’t worry! Birdie will walk you through everything you need to do to ensure a happy, healthy garden.
What if I can’t make the pick-up days?
Contact us and we will find a day that works for you!
How do I access the videos?
You will receive a QR with your kit that will take you to the videos.
Do I get to pick my plants?
No. Plants will be based on availability from our growers. Don’t worry we’ll select plants most likely to survive in the San Antonio climate.
How long are the videos?
The videos are a combined time of ~30 minutes.
pollinator garden starter kiT: family experience
Sale! $60
The Family Pollinator Garden Starter Kit is designed as a weekend long (or two day) get-your-hands-dirty kind of experience for the whole family to enjoy.
Children will become Citizen Scientists to learn about the magical world of pollinators and pollinator plants, and Ecosystem Cartographers to discover the best place for their 4- new plant friends’ forever home. Because children will be digging holes and watering plants, we recommend this series as a family activity.
Four 1-gallon pollinator plants (two nectar and two host), four plant cards, five instructional videos, digital journal.
Videos included are:
Introduction and Unboxing
Ecosystem Cartographers
Ecosystem Heroes Part 1 & 2
Planting Day
Your Garden and You
Pre-sales are through the month of September.
Kits will be available for pickup every weekend in October at Rainbow Gardens:
8516 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, TX 78250
Kits will also be available for pick up at the Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Festival October 8th from 10am-2pm at Brackenridge Park
What if I’m bad at taking care of plants?
Don’t worry! Birdie will walk you through everything you need to do to ensure a happy, healthy garden.
What if I can’t make the pick-up days?
Contact us and we will find a day that works for you.
How do I access the videos?
You will receive a QR with your kit that will take you to the videos.
Do I get to pick my plants?
No. Plants will be based on availability from our growers. Don’t worry we’ll select plants most likely to survive in the San Antonio climate.
What ages are the videos designed for?
Children ages 5-12 will get the most out of the videos, but younger ones are welcome to watch, too, especially with mom or dad.
Starter Kits With IN-person Class
For $10 more/kit, receive an in-person class at the Rainbow Gardens Bandera location
Note: Limited availability. There is 1-class time for grown-ups and 3-class times for families
SOLD OUT! See you in the Spring!
coming soon
You, me, & the bees
Birdie is back, and she brought friends! Explore the bumbling world of bees in this entertaining, hands-on, digital learning experience. And, for the first time, with augmented reality!
Birdie teaches children to use technology as a tool by partnering with San Antonio based AR Education company Merge to provide children with the opportunity to engage with the bee and other insects in 3-d.
Meet Scientist Cecile, a farmer and master beekeeper who uses science (and citizen science!) everyday to help the ecosystem.
Meet Sensei Jonathan, a master martial artists who teaches children how to use their 3-B’s—Body, Brain, and Breath to manage their emotions.
Meet Hex, Birdie’s hexagonal shaped Artificial Intelligence (AI) friend of the future who supports Birdie in her adventures.
This experience is designed so that children can engage independently in order to increase confidence and develop self-sufficiency.
make water: elementary
The Make Water elementary program invites students to become citizen scientists through the hands-on exploration of electrocoagulation. Electro-whaaat?? Don’t worry, you’ll learn all about it in our hands-on, STEAM, digital curriculum.
One complete electrocoagulation kit and two step-by-step digital videos.
Orders will be shipped to preferred address with a link to the digital curriculum.
What is Make Water?
Make Water is a 501c3 nonprofit founded by Ryan Beltran. The organization is dedicated to inspiring students to become citizen scientists and help tackle water issues.
How long are the videos?
The two videos are roughly 30mins. Following along with the videos and completing curriculum will likely take around an hour and a half.