Welcome families!
Discover the power of Hands-on Experiences that enhance children’s lives
Meet Birdie
Compassionate · Authentic · Intentional
Encourage curiosity
inspire compassion

Shop Kits
Caterpillar Condos
In this month-long experience, children experience the metamorphosis of two live Monarch Butterflies first-hand. Bridging the gap between screens and life, the condo has a 4-video digital curriculum and Monarch Journal.
Pollinator Garden Starter Kits
Complete with 5 videos, 2 pollinator plants, a digital journal, and detailed plant cards with care tips, this kit has everything you and your family need for a weekend of pollinator gardening fun!
Water Purification Kits
The MakeWater Intro Kit is a water purification system that empowers students to become citizen scientists through a hands-on, STEAM experiment. The accessible design of the kit and digital curriculum allows students of all backgrounds to participate and build confidence as innovators and collaborators in the MakeWater program.

Loved by parents
Ready for intentional screentime that is an active—not passive experience? Birdie content encourages children to put down their device and apply what they’ve learned to life.
"The learning videos felt like a PBS show...both kids and staff felt engaged...videos were shown to [more] children because of the quality."