Gift the magic of metamorphosis and nurture the love of nature


Caterpillar Condos
For KIDs

In this month-long experience, children develop a special connection to nature as they observe the metamorphosis of a live Monarch Butterfly. 

This experience, led by Birdie, takes children ages 4-11 through 4 videos: What is a Monarch Butterfly? What is Metamorphosis? What is the Monarch Migration? and What is Citizen Science?

Videos are supported by a digital Monarch Journal with real-world applications, including a citizen science project where children tag and release their monarch.

ON SALE! $65

  • Pop-up mesh cage, two monarch caterpillars, milkweed host plant, access for 1-household to the four digital videos, digital monarch journal.

    Available in English and Spanish

  • Condos will be available for pick-up at Geekdom September 26th-27th.

  • What does the digital content include?

    Access to the 4 Videos:
    What is a Monarch?
    What is Metamorphosis?
    What is the Monarch Migration? What is Community Science?
    And a digital Monarch Journal with hands-on activities.

    What if I can’t make the pick-up days?

    Contact us and we will find a day that works for you!

Caterpillar Condos
FOr the Classroom

Caterpillar Condos for Classrooms offers an exciting hands-on nature based learning experience without creating more work for educators.

All content is designed for teachers to push play and enjoy the fun parts of education; connecting with the children.

Purchase includes access to all content and curriculum for up to 25 students.

Want to sponsor a condo for a classroom? Place your pre-order and we’ll reach out to you to work out the details!

ON SALE! $100

  • Pop-up mesh cage, two monarch caterpillars, milkweed host plant, access for 25 students to the four digital videos, printable 2nd-grade TEKS-aligned digital monarch journal with hands-on activities for students 1st-4th grade. Available in English and Spanish.

  • Condos will be available for pick-up at Geekdom from September 26th-27th.

  • Can I sponsor a condo for a classroom?

    Yes! We’ll contact you after your purchase to figure out the details. If you don’t have a classroom to sponsor, we can connect you with one in need!

    Who is eligible for a free condo?

    Title-1 classrooms are eligible to be part of the Title-1 program sponsored by Valero. But, we encourage families and friends to sponsor condos for classrooms!

    What does the digital curriculum include?

    4 Videos:
    What is a Monarch?
    What is Metamorphosis?
    What is the Monarch Migration
    And, What is Community Science?

    Monarch Journal: Hands-on Activities

    What if I can’t make the pick-up days?

    Contact us and we will find a day that works for you!

    How much do I have to learn as an educator?

    The Caterpillar Condo Program has been designed for teachers to implement with limited planning (<1 hour/week) and without having to learn a new curriculum; Birdie does the teaching and teachers get to do the fun, hands-on activities!

Caterpillar Condos:
Grown-Up Edition

Celebrate the fall migration of monarch butterflies with citizen science and the observation of metamorphosis.

Who knows? Maybe you'll go through a metamorphosis of your own...

Includes “ Milkweed & Monarch Care: video and “What is Citizen Science” Video to learn how to tag a monarch.

ON SALE! $50

  • Pop-up mesh cage, two monarch caterpillars, milkweed host plant, access to 2-videos.

  • Pick-up at Geekdom Event Center September 26, 27




Parent Review

Educator Review


coming soon


You, me, & the bees

Birdie is back, and she brought friends! Explore the bumbling world of bees in this entertaining, hands-on, digital learning experience. And, for the first time, with augmented reality!

  • Birdie teaches children to use technology as a tool by partnering with San Antonio based AR Education company Merge to provide children with the opportunity to engage with the bee and other insects in 3-d.

  • Meet Scientist Cecile, a farmer and master beekeeper who uses science (and citizen science!) everyday to help the ecosystem.

    Meet Sensei Jonathan, a master martial artists who teaches children how to use their 3-B’s—Body, Brain, and Breath to manage their emotions.

    Meet Hex, Birdie’s hexagonal shaped Artificial Intelligence (AI) friend of the future who supports Birdie in her adventures.

  • This experience is designed so that children can engage independently in order to increase confidence and develop self-sufficiency.

make water: elementary

The Make Water elementary program invites students to become citizen scientists through the hands-on exploration of electrocoagulation. Electro-whaaat?? Don’t worry, you’ll learn all about it in our hands-on, STEAM, digital curriculum.

  • One complete electrocoagulation kit and two step-by-step digital videos.

  • Orders will be shipped to preferred address with a link to the digital curriculum.

  • What is Make Water?

    Make Water is a 501c3 nonprofit founded by Ryan Beltran. The organization is dedicated to inspiring students to become citizen scientists and help tackle water issues.

    How long are the videos?

    The two videos are roughly 30mins. Following along with the videos and completing curriculum will likely take around an hour and a half.


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